In March, it was time again for one of Meusburger’s industry meetings. This time, some 68 companies took the opportunity to meet up in Schmalkalden, Germany. The day was filled with networking, exchange of information and presentations by experts.
The most important message at the end of the day was how important it is for German tool and mould makers to co-operate. Co-operation is exactly what Meusburger had in mind with this industry meeting: The event aims to be a platform for exchanging news and information, for talking about practical applications, and – most importantly – for bringing together professionals from the sector.
This offer was accepted by 68 companies, bringing 129 professionals together at Schmalkalden University. The lecture hall was almost full. The atmosphere was friendly right from the beginning: People know each other in tool and mould making.
For everyone who had not set foot on the university grounds, Professor Thomas Seul, Professor for Production Engineering and Tool Construction and Pro-Rector for Research and Transfer at Schmalkalden University, first introduced the University and also the work of the Laboratory of Applied Plastics Technology AKT.
The series of lectures was opened by Stephan Klumpp, who held a very motivational presentation about tool adjustment with reverse engineering data. Klumpp, founder and CEO of Proplas, demonstrated how much time companies lose with analogue analysing and testing methods. According to Klumpp, those methods are highly time-consuming and at the same time don’t provide reliable data. Proplas offers external analyses and return of scan data for efficient tool adjustment.