CFRP/Thermoforming tools
With our tools for plastics and alloys, we have been one of the driving forces behind light-weight construction. The international commitment to reduce CO2 emissions has made electric drives and ultra-light construction a real mega trend among automotive developers. We took up the CFRP tool issue pretty soon and advanced it in close cooperation with our customers and various research institutions.
Today, our product portfolio ranges from front axle supports of a tool weight of 3 t to a side frame of more than 90 t, from a perform and high pressure RTM to organoplate tools. We have, for example, built RTM tools for entire monocoques in production cars. Other exciting projects cannot be published in our reference list because they have not been released to the market yet. We also consider ourselves specialists in other thermoforming processes like SMC, GMT and LFT, where we can present excellent references for a great number of tools. In 2020 the prestigious JEC Innovation Price was awarded to a multi-material lightweight component for which Schneider Form made the tool.